
Genatec will fully finance the design, planning and construction of 2MW+ solar projects on your land, from the initial site assessment to the operation and maintenance. Our service offers no risk or capital outlay for the landowner along with generous land rents and success payments.

Benefits of Hosting a Genatec Solar Farm
  • Guaranteed Income for 25 Years

    As a landowner you will receive a significant annual rent per acre which is index linked over 25 years.

  • No Capital Outlay For Landowner

    Genatec will pay the planning, legal and development costs of the project.

  • Sustainable Future

    By installing a solar farm on your land you are helping make your business and local area more sustainable.

  • Success Payments

    Genatec will pay the landowner a success payment after planning approval and project commissioning.

  • Rejuvenates The Land

    Leaving your land to rest for 25 years will significantly increase its fertility

  • Grazing Animals

    The land between and under the solar panels can be used for grazing sheep which could provide the farm with additional income.

  • Increased Income

    Hosting a solar farm on poor land is a great way to generate a substantially higher income.

  • Help Combat Climate Change

    By Hosting a renewable energy project you’re helping combat climate change.

  • Minimum of 15 acres

  • Under single ownership

  • Available for at least 25 years

  • Minimum shading from trees and hedges

  • Close to 11kV or 33kV power lines

  • Suitable Local Area

These are the basic requirements which we look for in a potential site, further issues may arise during the feasibility study.

Site Finding

Genatec offer generous site finding fees and success payments to individuals and companies who wish to provide us with potential solar farm sites. If you would like to be an official site finder for Genatec please get in touch

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